Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dreamland's fight

I had a weird Dream Long ago,
the moment when I woke up, I said to myself:
I really liked my outfit in my dream... and that sword !
I dreamed that the Queen of hearts was creating an army of mutant rabbits.
I went to stop her, but I didn't had a weapon; so I asked someone in a house, who was nearby.
She gave me this long sword, thanks to that sword I killed many of those rabbits.
But then the queen went all big and she approached her hand. 
I just trow the sword in her hand, it got stuck and she yelled like hell.
I run away... I was yelling at myself:
"that sword was so awesome ! why the hell did I throw it away ! I'm so stupid ! I wish I can rewind the time !"
The dream didn't ended here but it's to weird to tell the rest of it.
Thanks for reading !

"Life is much like a joke,
doesn't make much of any sense,
until the end."
I draw that image looong ago .... I just gave it new life (color).
Maybe she will appear in our manga... 

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